Friday, January 28, 2011

a vaguely Dadaist spirit

“Art is made to be seen,” said David Burton, a professor of art education at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond. “It’s sort of like food: why would you go through the trouble of cooking a whole meal and then not eat it?”

Sunday, January 16, 2011

“Like rings from a stone dropped into a pond, curving walls create a journey and define space.”
- the architect, Stuart Silk

Saturday, January 15, 2011


A Fire in My Belly

Cloud Art

We know on excellent authority that beauty is truth, 
that it is the expression of the ideal, 
the symbol of divine perfection, 
and the sensible manifestation of the good.
- George Santayana

a stream does.

let’s live suddenly without thinking
under honest trees,
                        a stream
does.the brain of cleverly-crinkling
-water pursues the angry dream
of the shore. By midnight,
                                a moon
scratches the skin of the organised hills

an edged nothing begins to prune

let’s live like the light that kills
and let’s as silence,
                            because Whirl’s after all:
(after me)love,and after you.
I occasionally feel vague how
vague idon’t know tenuous Now-
spears and The Then-arrows making do
our mouths something red,something tall
-e. e. cummings